
What’s My Life Insurance Policy Worth in a Life Settlement?

What's My Life Insurance Policy Worth in a Life Settlement? A man and woman hugging each other

What’s My Life Insurance Policy Worth in a Life Settlement?

The life insurance industry is a significant player in the financial sector, with over $20 trillion of life insurance policies currently in force. Each year, billions of dollars worth of new policies are added to this value, signifying steady growth. Research indicates that a substantial number of Americans – over half, in fact – hold life insurance policies.

An interesting, if somewhat surprising, statistic is that nearly 90% of all universal life insurance policies do not mature into a death benefit claim. Furthermore, close to 80% of all life insurance policies held by seniors are not retained until maturity or converted into a death benefit claim. This translates into over $100 billion of lapsed or surrendered senior-owned policies each year.

This phenomenon is particularly disconcerting given that these policyholders have devoted years to paying their premiums, yet neither they nor their beneficiaries reap the intended benefits. The root cause of this issue often boils down to an unawareness of the alternatives available.

One such alternative is a life settlement, a solution that we will delve into deeply in this section. Our discussion will encompass the rationale for selling a policy, the eligibility criteria for selling a life insurance policy, the process involved, the factors that influence a policy’s worth, and the various settlement options on offer. This valuable information could empower many policyholders to make better-informed decisions about their life insurance policies and ultimately maximize their benefits.

Reasons for Selling Life Insurance

The decision to sell a life insurance policy is often rooted in a variety of personal, financial, and practical reasons. It’s crucial to delve into these motivating factors to understand why policyholders may choose to sell their coverage:

  1. Income Enhancement for Retirement: As individuals approach retirement, they may find their current financial resources insufficient to maintain a comfortable lifestyle. Therefore, selling a life insurance policy can provide an additional income stream, ensuring a more relaxed and secure retirement.
  2. Funding Long-term Care Needs: Long-term care, whether at home or a specialized facility, can be a significant financial burden. For some, the proceeds from selling a life insurance policy can help offset these costs.
  3. Covering Medical Expenses: The financial impact of medical bills, especially for chronic or serious illnesses, cannot be understated. Selling a life insurance policy can provide much-needed funds to cover these expenses.
  4. Addressing Unaffordable Premiums: Over time, policy premiums may increase and become a financial strain. In such cases, selling the policy might be a more viable option than letting it lapse or surrendering it back to the insurer.
  5. Independence of Beneficiaries: If the original beneficiaries of the policy have become financially independent or if the policyholder’s financial circumstances have changed, the need for life insurance might decrease. Selling the policy in such scenarios can provide immediate financial relief.
  6. Over-insurance: There may be situations where individuals realize they are over-insured, with more coverage than they realistically need. Selling off surplus policies can free up funds for other uses.
  7. Change in Business Needs: Life insurance policies purchased for business purposes may no longer be necessary if the business’s circumstances change, such as upon the retirement of a key person or changes in corporate structure. Selling these policies might be a pragmatic choice for the business.

Before Selling Your Policy, Ask Yourself These Questions:

Before making the decision to sell your insurance policy, it’s imperative to diligently reflect upon the following key questions:

  1. Relevance of Your Coverage: Delve into the essence of your coverage. Does it still serve a purpose in your current life situation, or has it become redundant?
  2. Financial Dependence: Consider the people who depend on you financially. If there are individuals depending on your income or financial support, keeping your coverage becomes significantly crucial.
  3. Premium Payments vs Coverage Value: Evaluate the financial implications. Are the premium payments you are making proportional to the coverage you are receiving? Or are you paying excessively for coverage that doesn’t match the value?
  4. Alternative Financial Safety Nets: Examine your financial portfolio. Do you possess other assets such as stocks, bonds, real estate, pension, retirement funds, or annuities? These assets could potentially serve as financial buffers, reducing your reliance on the insurance policy.

By deeply reflecting on these aspects, you can make an informed decision about whether selling your policy is the most beneficial course of action for you.

What are the Requirements for Qualifying for a Life Settlement?

Engaging in a Life Settlement transaction involves liaising with life settlement providers, otherwise known as viatical settlement providers. These third-party entities are licensed by individual states to facilitate life settlement and viatical settlement transactions in strict accordance with state laws. Several prerequisites must be met in order to qualify for selling your policy through a life settlement provider. Let us further dissect these requirements:

  1. Nationality: The policy holder must be a United States citizen. This requirement is set to ensure the jurisdiction under which any legal repercussions or disputes fall is within the confines of U.S. law.
  2. Age: The policy holder must be of a certain age, usually at least 65 years old. Some providers, however, may demand a higher age minimum, often 70 years.
  3. Policy Value: The life insurance policy in question must have a death benefit of at least $100,000.
  4. Policy Type: The policy must be a permanent one. In cases where the policy is a term plan, it must have the capacity to be converted into a permanent plan. Exceptionally, even if it lacks convertibility features, a term policy plan can still be sold through a viatical settlement.
  5. Health Condition: For a viatical settlement, a more specific condition applies. The policyholder must be suffering from a terminal illness and have a life expectancy of less than two years. This is a critical criterion that differentiates a viatical settlement from a standard life settlement.

As we navigate this complex subject, it’s important to consider each requirement carefully to ensure a clear understanding and a smooth transaction process.

What’s My Life Insurance Policy Worth in a Life Settlement?

The estimation of policy settlements typically falls within a certain range. For life settlements, the average payout is often observed to be within 20-25% of the policy’s face value. On the other hand, viatical settlements typically yield a higher payout, ranging from 30-70% of the face value. However, it’s vital to understand that these figures are not arbitrary but rather are determined by a matrix of variables.

The calculation of the settlement payout is an intricate process, considering a plethora of factors in its formulation. The age and gender of the policyholder constitute two of these elements, in addition to the person’s health condition. Further variables include the size and type of the policy, as well as the cost of premiums. These elements, among others, contribute to the final figure. Essentially, the older the policyholder and the more dire their health situation, the higher the settlement payout is likely to be.

To summarize, determining What a Policy is Worth in a life settlement isn’t a process of mere number crunching, but involves a comprehensive assessment of various life, health, and policy specifics. As such, each policy and its subsequent settlement payout is unique to the individual policyholder. 

What is the Process for Selling Your Life Insurance Policy?

When a policyholder resolves to proceed with a life settlement, they embark on the journey of selling their life insurance policy. The Life Settlement Process is a well-structured one with six key stages. These stages include the application, underwriting, offer, closing, transfer of ownership, and finally, receiving the cash payout.


The application stage involves gathering pertinent information about the policyholder, essentially setting the foundation for the transaction. This information is not limited to the policyholder’s personal details but also extends to their medical records. It’s important to note that any costs associated with obtaining these medical records will be absorbed by the prospective buyer, thus ensuring no unnecessary expenses burden the policyholder.


During the underwriting phase, a meticulous review of the provided personal information and medical records is conducted. An independent life expectancy underwriter will thoroughly analyze the data and compile a comprehensive report. This report plays a crucial role in the subsequent phases as it’s employed by the broker or life settlement company to evaluate the data and estimate a feasible sales price.


Upon completion of the underwriting process, the broker or life settlement provider will tender a formal offer to the policyholder. This offer is accompanied by an exhaustive explanation, ensuring the policyholder fully comprehends the terms presented. If engaging with a broker, the policyholder will benefit from receiving multiple offers, thereby having the advantage of selecting the one that best aligns with their needs and circumstances.


Upon accepting an offer, the closing process is initiated. The provider will furnish the policyholder with a detailed package elucidating the closing process and the transfer of ownership. All contracts, authorizations, and disclosures must be diligently signed and scrutinized by all parties involved in the policy, extending from the owner down to the beneficiary and spouse if relevant.

Transfer of Ownership

Following the signing and returning of all necessary documents, the provider will reach out to the policy holder’s insurance company to initiate the transfer of the policy’s ownership. When all required documents have been satisfactorily provided, the life settlement funds will be moved into an escrow account awaiting the transfer of ownership to the life settlement provider.

Receiving the Cash Payout

After the policy’s ownership and beneficiary details have been successfully transferred to the life settlement provider and recorded by the insurance company, the insurer will dispatch a confirmation to both the former policy owner and the provider indicating the successful completion of the process. Typically, within three to five days post-confirmation, the cash settlement payout is released from the escrow, marking the final stage of this process and the commencement of the policyholder’s new financial journey. 

How Long Does the Life Settlement Process Take?

The duration of life settlement and viatical processes can be notably variable, depending heavily on individual circumstances. While some instances might reach completion in as little as six to eight weeks, others may extend to six months or even beyond. This divergence in timeline can be attributed to a multitude of factors.

One pivotal factor is the time taken to accumulate the required medical records, a procedure that can range greatly due to individual health histories and medical complexities. The process of medical underwriting and subsequent evaluation can further extend this timeline by several weeks. These crucial steps involve meticulous examination of the policy holder’s health status and risks, requiring time and precision to ensure accurate assessment.

However, the single most influential factor in determining the timeline is the level of cooperation from the policy owner’s insurance carrier. The speed at which they are willing and able to transfer ownership and beneficiary rights can significantly influence the duration of the process.

In the case of viatical settlements, where the policyholder is chronically or terminally ill, there is often a heightened sense of urgency. Consequently, these processes are expedited wherever possible, to provide the policy owner with much-needed financial relief in a timely manner.

Life Settlement Taxes

Assessing Life Settlement Taxes can be quite complex and hinge on an array of factors. Generally speaking, the gains accrued from a life settlement are subject to income tax. These gains are calculated based on the difference between the total premiums paid over the life of the policy and the amount received from the settlement. For illustration, let’s presume you’ve paid $200,000 over the years in premiums and, through the life settlement, you receive $500,000 on a policy worth two million dollars. Your taxable gain would be the difference between the settlement received ($500,000) and the amount paid in premiums ($200,000), thus resulting in a taxable gain of $300,000.

Notably, Viatical Settlements Taxes are calculated differently under tax law. The proceeds from a viatical settlement are typically deemed tax-free, providing valuable financial relief for policyholders with terminal or chronic illnesses. However, it’s important to highlight this exemption applies primarily when the funds are used to cover immediate medical expenses, excluding long-term care.

In light of these complexities, it is highly recommended that policyholders consult with a certified accountant or a financial advisor. These professionals can provide personalized and comprehensive advice considering your specific situation, thereby ensuring you fully understand the potential tax implications and make the most informed decision.

Exploring the Viability of a Life Settlement: An Informed Decision

The journey of selling a life insurance policy is often a lesson in empowerment, particularly when navigated with due prudence, thoroughness and foresight. Yet, the linchpin of this endeavor is, without doubt, the selection of an appropriate broker or provider. It is not merely enough to choose an entity authorized in your state – it is equally crucial to ensure that your chosen broker is trustworthy, transparent and ethical in their operations. Always remain alert and vigilant of appraisals that may cloud hidden fees, as these can considerably diminish the net value of your policy.

Once you have settled on a credible Life Settlement Broker, you will encounter the subsequent steps that involve a meticulous review of your medical records. This exhaustive review takes place at the hands of independent agencies, who are mandated to determine the value of your policy. It is essential to understand that these agencies uphold rigorous confidentiality protocols, offering you the assurance that your sensitive information is safeguarded.

The culmination of this process is the reception of offers to purchase your policy. The success of this critical stage is heavily contingent upon the execution of the preceding steps, underscoring the importance of selecting a reliable broker and submitting an accurate portrayal of your medical records. Navigating this process with unwavering diligence, patience and wisdom paves the way to securing a policy that is uniquely tailored to your needs. A well-negotiated life settlement can be instrumental in providing not only peace of mind but a robust financial footing for your future.

 Optimizing Life Insurance Policy Sales with Summit Life Settlements

Navigating the process of selling your life insurance policy can often be a daunting task, fraught with uncertainty and complexity. Yet, it is a path many embark upon, hoping to maximize the return on their valuable asset. At Summit Life Settlements, we acknowledge this endeavor and wish to transform it into an empowering journey, rather than a challenging ordeal.

Our Summit Life Marketplace is devised specifically for this purpose, serving as a dynamic, secure, and transparent platform where your policy can attract the attention of the most reputable and competitive buyers in the industry. This marketplace is no ordinary trading venue—it’s a digital revolution in life insurance policy sales, designed to ensure you harness the full potential of your policy.

Gone are the days of cumbersome paperwork and protracted negotiation periods. Our platform leverages cutting-edge technology to expedite the process, offering features such as digital document signing and easy access to historical records. Thus, you not only gain comprehensive control over the progress of your transaction but also save invaluable time and effort.

With the Summit Life Marketplace, we believe in transforming challenges into opportunities. You’re not merely selling your policy—you’re stepping into a world of financial empowerment, where every transaction yields an optimal outcome. The value of your life insurance policy is a resource waiting to be tapped into, and with the Summit Life  Marketplace, you’re always in the driver’s seat. Embark on your journey with us today, and experience the Summit difference.

What's My Life Insurance Policy Worth in a Life Settlement? A man and woman hugging each other

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